Case Studies / Flex Fitness

Sustained Awareness and Membership Growth

Health & Fitness

Flex Fitness Client Case Study Logo
The challenge

Getting the attention of the right audience

Flex Fitness Hamilton CBD, a prominent gym franchise, sought to bolster its local presence in Hamilton. Their aim was to spike membership numbers during promotional periods and establish an ongoing awareness of their gym, capturing the attention of potential members throughout the year.

The challenge was to create a continuous presence in a competitive market and connect with individuals actively seeking gym memberships—the strategy needed to go beyond time-bound promotions, building a sustained recognition of Flex Fitness Hamilton CBD.

The Solution

Consistently Visible & Always On

Strategy, Ads & Analytics

It all came down to a single objective: 

To consistently increase leads and memberships by maintaining an always-on marketing strategy, focusing on locals searching for gyms in the Hamilton area.

So we got to work. Unbound crafted a comprehensive, always-on marketing strategy underpinned by targeted digital tactics and data-driven audience building:  

  • Continuous Google Search Ads: Targeting specific and relevant keywords 
  • Expert Targeting: Concentrated on a close radius, emphasizing the convenience of location.
  • Landing Page Conversion: Offered free gym passes aimed at immediate conversion, and a focus on fitness goals, with value-added propositions, encouraged sign-ups.
  • First-Party Data: Targeted individuals with similar characteristics to current members to ensure we reached a relevant and interested audience.
  • Always-On Approach: Focused on brand awareness and the gym’s value propositions, keeping it top-of-mind for local audiences.
The outcome

Leading the way

The always-on marketing approach increased both online leads and walk-in inquiries, indicating a successful penetration into the target market. Using first-party data to build lookalike audiences played a crucial role in reaching individuals similar to current members, enhancing the relevance and efficiency of the marketing efforts.

By focusing on local targeting, landing page optimization, and strategic use of first-party data, Unbound helped Flex Fitness Hamilton CBD become a prominent choice for fitness enthusiasts in the Hamilton area, achieving consistent lead generation and membership increases.

Unbound have been absolutely fantastic to work with and have helped us transform our business. With targeted marketing in Google and Meta, our leads are more qualified and it results in higher sales.
I thoroughly recommend Unbound if you want to grow your business to the next level!

Scott Coker, Flex Fitness, Hamilton CBD

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Increase in conversions

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Increase in conversion rate

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Decrease in cost per conversion

Looking to achieve excellent results?

Your business is already damn good. Let’s make sure your digital marketing is damn good too.

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