Case Studies / Rural Coach

Rural Coach – reaching remote audiences in the milking shed


Rural Coach Client Case Study Logo
The challenge

Reaching a remote audience.

Rural Coach was established by two rural bankers who identified a knowledge gap in the rural community. Rural Coach provides specialist coaching and advisory services to empower businesses and leaders in the rural sector.

With a niche, geographically spread audience, Rural Coach approached us to help them get their message out to the right people. Their agency, Metro Marketing, asked us to partner with them to help with Rural Coach’s digital ad campaigns.

The Solution

Meet them where they are.

Strategy, Ads & Analytics

Working to achieve our Rural Coach’s business goals, brand awareness and increased market share, we created ad campaigns across Google and social media, particularly Facebook.

We worked with Rural Coach on lead generation, sequence ads and remarketing, prioritising quality messaging and intentional targeting.

We also kept a close eye on progress and made regular adjustments to ensure that Rural Coach received the leads and engagement they deserved. 

The outcome

Massive sales boost!

The e-book generated valuable leads from people who wanted to know more, and get help with their business planning.

We also noticed that customers who engage with Rural Coach through these online channels are more likely to enquire about their other courses and leadership development programs.

This subsequently paved the way to collaboration between farmer and coach to work through succession planning and the successful continuation of the family business. 

"The team at Unbound have gone the extra mile to help us find Rural Coach’s clients. Our client is thrilled with the successful e-book lead generation campaign. Rural Coach is reaching more farmers who know that expert support is available to help them succeed."

- Michelle, Metro Marketing

Rural Coach Client Case Study
increase arrow - Rural Coach - reaching remote audiences in the milking shed


Leads Generated

increase arrow - Rural Coach - reaching remote audiences in the milking shed


People Reached

money icon - Rural Coach - reaching remote audiences in the milking shed


Per Lead

Time to create your own success story?

Your business is already damn good. Let’s make sure your digital marketing is damn good too.

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