Shop Local For Your AdWords Management!

Shop Local For Your AdWords Management!
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You have probably had a call from someone who can get you onto page one of Google using Google AdWords. You are not sure where they are calling from, or how they got your number, but it sounds like something you should be doing.

You might be tempted to sign up straight away. But just stop and think.

Who are these people and what are they actually in it for? There are loads of AdWords management companies from all over the world calling small businesses in New Zealand trying to get them to sign up for AdWords.

Theses companies only real interest is signing you up to their package and making a quick buck. They do not care about your business goals or how to get you a return on your investment. You are just another sale to them.

There are also a few other reasons to just say no and find a local AdWords specialist:

  • Your account will be managed by someone who is not fully AdWords Certified. AdWords Certified consultants must sit regular exams to stay up-to-date. Outsourcing to a non-certified person means you may be getting outdated advice or worse they may not have ever sat an AdWords exam.
  • Overseas AdWords managers may not understand your local market. You can’t teach it. Ask them if they have experience with your market.
  • The person, although fully certified, may not understand your industry, product or service fully. There could be a language or cultural difference. We’ve had experience with contractors who’ve totally misunderstood the service to be marketed and had we continued to use them we would have been wasting our client’s money.
  • Watch out for part-timers who cannot be relied upon. Your advertising money is on the line, so if your manager takes days to respond that’s a definite problem. If you can’t just pickup the phone and call them, you need to take that into account. Many will be very responsive at first and once they have your business will slack off.
  • Your account security is on the line, so let them build your trust in them. Don’t give them full access right away. First give them read-only access to your account, see how they perform just doing analysis.

At Unbound Digital Marketing we love looking after local businesses and helping them get found online.

We are also one of the most qualified Google Partners in Hamilton with all six Adwords specialisations. These means we have not only sat all AdWords exams and shown our proficiency in AdWords, but we maintain best practice on all the accounts we manage.

The other advantage to working with someone local is we know the local market and we can sit down with you and create a plan to get more of your customers visiting your website, picking up the phone and calling or coming into your business.

I know that I can look you in the eye and say I am doing everything I can to help your business succeed online, and not hide behind a phone on the other side of the world.

So next time you get a phone call from someone trying to sell you AdWords, just say no and pick up the phone and give me a call 07 808 5071 .

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Founder & CEO | Quentin Weber is the dynamic force behind Unbound, a leading digital marketing agency in New Zealand. With over a decade of experience in the industry, Quentin's expertise spans strategic planning, innovative digital solutions, and client-centric approaches. Passionate about driving results and fostering growth, he leads a talented team committed to transforming digital landscapes and achieving exceptional outcomes for clients. Quentin's unique blend of professionalism and approachability sets the tone for Unbound's distinctive, no-nonsense approach to digital marketing.

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